adverse circumstancesの例文


  1. kaneie was in adverse circumstances for some time , but yoritada could not leave his maternal uncle the emperor as he was and , in 979 , reinstated him by promoting to udaijin .
    兼家はしばらく不遇だったが、頼忠も天皇の外伯父を放置もできず、天元 (日本)元年(979年)に右大臣に引き上げ政界に復帰させた。
  2. however , he remained in adverse circumstances after his father and uncle died; it is said that he died as the imperial prince without court rank in the era of emperor yozei , the great-great-grandson of emperor saga .
  3. he was promoted to sangi (councilor ) on june 13 , 990 , and , in that year , his father-in-law , kaneie , died and after his biological father , michitaka , succeeded kaneie , michiyori was placed in adverse circumstances .
    正暦元年(990年)5月13日 (旧暦)に参議に昇進するも、この年に養父・兼家が薨去して実父・道隆が後を継ぐと不遇に置かれる事になる。


  1. "adverse balance of payments"の例文
  2. "adverse balance of trade"の例文
  3. "adverse budget"の例文
  4. "adverse challenge"の例文
  5. "adverse change"の例文
  6. "adverse claim"の例文
  7. "adverse climatic change"の例文
  8. "adverse comment(s"の例文
  9. "adverse competitive effect"の例文
  10. "adverse challenge"の例文
  11. "adverse change"の例文
  12. "adverse claim"の例文
  13. "adverse climatic change"の例文

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